Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Our New Friend on the Window

It has been four days since a little friend visited us each night. It has a white belly and a green back. It has four legs, and each leg has four toes. It had two big black eyes. It barely moves while sitting on the window, even if we shine the flashlight on him. Do you know why? It was waiting patiently for bugs. Now, you must have guessed what it is. Yes, it is a frog. I suspect that it is a tree frog. You know why? It is because we live on the third floor. The frog usually came around 9 pm, and stayed there for a long time. I seriously do not know when it usually leaves because it was still on our window when we went to bed.


A little background about frogs: Their spit is as thick as honey. They are lightning fast when catching bugs. When they swallow, they rolled their eyes backward to reliquified their spit. Check this YouTube Video for details: